Experience Deep Cleansing and Rejuvenation

At Greater Washington Aesthetics, we offer state-of-the-art facial treatments that not only cleanse and exfoliate but also hydrate and nourish your skin. Dive into the world of Hydro Facials and Microdermabrasion with us and witness a transformation in your skin’s health and appearance.

The Ultimate Hydration Experience

Hydro facials use water and nutrient-infused serums to:

  • Deeply cleanse and exfoliate the skin
  • Extract impurities and hydrate the skin
  • Infuse the skin with antioxidants and peptides


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that:

  • Exfoliates the top layer of the skin
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines, scars, and hyperpigmentation
  • Promotes the production of collagen and elastin

Why Choose Greater Washington Aesthetics?

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Ibrahim Haron, every treatment is tailored to the individual needs of the patient. We use advanced technology and high-quality products to ensure optimal results and utmost safety.

Elevate your skincare routine and experience the combined benefits of Hydro Facials and Microdermabrasion. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ibrahim Haron and embark on a journey to radiant and refreshed skin.

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